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Observing the interaction, you notice that some people, instead of helping others, do many things (some do everything possible) to make others miserable and slow down their climbing pace. Some people appear to be stuck; as they sit on the sides of the staircases, they are often stomped on by the fast-moving crowds, who climb over those seated as if they do not see people sitting down, right in front of them.
From close up, practically every person around this busy place look really unhappy but, for some reason, everyone appears to accept that climbing their staircase as the ultimate reality or ‘all there is’. All manner of different traps have been positioned all over the stairs and between the floors; most of them are hidden and very difficult to see.
Another detail that you notice is even worse: a person cannot just sit and rest on the staircase. As soon as one decides to rest for more than a few minutes, gravitation pulls that person down with incredible force, somewhere down toward the ground floor level, but most often to the infamous underground floors.
While moving along, you overhear some horrible stories about what happens in the underground floors of the building: people are forced to work at jobs they hate. They have to work 10 to 12 hours a day or even longer, travel a long way to their jobs and back, just to spend a really short time with their loved ones. Most underground workers suffer from a variety of health conditions and anxieties; they can never feel secure or get any real rest and relaxation. Any earnings made on those underground floors will be taken by debt collectors who rule and control the underground levels.
You begin to hear frightened whispers about a really scary topic: it’s quite easy to slip and fall to the underground levels. Some people fall and disappear for a long time, and many never come back…all due to minor mistakes. People seem to be eternally trapped there; many are simply unable to escape the “rat race” of the underground levels.
You now realize that the staircase-climbers are overflowing with tears, sweat, unnecessary suffering, and pain. You don’t like what you see, so you start searching, looking for a better way. From within, you simply feel there must be a better way! You hope that you can find that way. You continue to search for clues, hoping to see anyone who reaches the higher floors without participating in this messy, painful, and unpleasant climb.
Soon after, by chance or design, you notice the existence of a massive, intricately carved wooden door, placed right behind the beginning of a staircase. The door is somewhat hidden, but it’s also not too difficult to find if you’re looking for it. When you look slightly closer, you understand that it is an elevator door. The numbers and the display placed above clearly indicates this door as a way to an elevator from the ground to the top floor. On a walk around the ground floor corridors, you quickly discover that these doors are placed everywhere, in the same location, right around the corner next to each and every staircase around the building. That dark red brown color, and very detailed woodwork on the massive door of mahogany, definitely gives the impression of something even more luxurious and exclusive compared to the luxury one can see in various parts of this building.
Now what now looks really strange to you, and makes you wonder how this can be possible, is an odd occurrence. Despite the fact that these elevator doors are placed at the beginning of each and every staircase (right in front of the noses of everyone moving toward the staircase), very few people notice and try to use this elevator.
THIS IS PROBABLY THE STRANGEST OBSERVATION SO FAR: Since elevators are constructed of strong, nearly unbreakable glass, one can easily see through the walls. Everyone on the ground floor can easily see the passengers in those elevators swooping upward, all the way to the highest floors. Men and women who climb the stairs, even without any crowds or obstacles, or any other staircase calamities, have a much longer way–by at least 100 times–compared to the elevator passengers. Due to the elevators’ clear glass doors, that fact is easy to see! Still, most people fail to recognize that.
Compared to the crowd of people climbing the stairs, there are very few elevator passengers. Regardless, those who take the elevator are happy; their faces are beaming with energy and enthusiasm. Anyone can see that, but most people just don’t. It’s so very strange!”
QUESTION: The only condition for using this elevator is to locate it and know what you want to achieve, which floor you want to visit. Obviously, at each higher floor, there is a better lifestyle, level of happiness, and overall sense of material and spiritual satisfaction. If you could choose, which floor would be your choice? Instead of asking the obvious question(“Are you going to choose the staircase or elevator?”), there is a bigger question to ask: “Where are all these people headed?”
I cannot know everything about your situation but I know that you must have a strong desire, a need for something that finally works. The fact that you have read up to this very point tells me that. Also, you are a fair and honest person, not jumping from chapter to chapter in order to quickly jump to the ‘really good stuff,’ for example. For that reason, and in order to give this method a chance, I want to thank you - and congratulate you!
As I see from numerous examples, sincere seekers always do take an elevator. A person who is sincere enough, will eventually find one. A truly sincere seeker never gives up, which is how they eventually find the best way, something that really can provide a desired change. Climbing the stairs is definitely better when compared to a life in the ‘underground levels’; it is also great exercise for burning fat and improving cardiovascular health. However, on a path to financial freedom and the evolution of consciousness, climbing the stairs is surely not a smart move.
Seriously, who wouldn't take the elevator ride and avoid all of the struggle, pain, and risk on the ‘do or die’ staircase? The methods and approach given in this book, as well as the upcoming books in the series, will provide you with not only a direction to an elevator but also a smooth elevator ride to the highest destination of your choice.
On YOUR JOURNEY From THE ground to the top floor, you can CLIMB THE STAIRS OR, if you know how, SIMPLY take the elevator
At the beginning of my journey, I did not know anything about the shortcut; there was no nearby elevator, or at least, nowhere near the area I could see and perceive for a long time. It took me quite a while just to start searching for it. As soon as I understood the significance of the need to switch from the staircase method to something a lot better, it appeared! Once I found an elevator, wow…. Everything has changed with lightning speed. Every effort showed results; every internal change I worked on was crowned with external manifestations of success. I started to live again …
Getting to the REAL shortcut means the elevation to higher vibrations and getting free of blockage after blockage, obstacle after obstacle. This is most certainly the strongest, most positive experience I had ever lived through. The best part about all of this, however, is that the journey isn’t over!I’m still on that journey that makes me further expand and grow. It has never stopped inspiring and assisting me and it will never stop – the only thing that can stop this process is your own decision. That is really the best part about the ‘Shortcut to Having More’–it continues to clear all that stops us from moving forward quickly; it expands our inner energy field and consciousness. The process given in this book is a foundation or a complete system that, in reality, makes us expand into an ever-increasing, improved version of ourselves. Earning much more is the first thing you will experience but that’s only a start. A better quality of life, better relationships, the creation of more wealth, and deeper spiritual connections are part of the process that will gift you with the next level change.
After losing my business and most of my savings, it took me a few weeks to deal with panic. After that, it took about twice as long to stop whining and move on. I decided to start building my business again, thi
s time on a basis of inner values. The secret of success has a healthy basis –a sound, clear foundation of great importance, right? Yeah, right. If you get to it!
I have tested and tried all sorts of methods; to my knowledge, I have engaged in every single approach, book, audio, or video program of each and every self-development ‘guru’ that made sense. I have read and experimented, learning and trying to understand it in real-life terms, applying and trying to find out what works. Fellow seeker, you know the drill. In the beginning, you are excited, thrilled, full of hope…but only what happens after that initial honeymoon period gives us real advancement. In my experience, therein lies the exact problem. Some of those things helped, but most of it did NOT. Why? Not because these approaches were wrong or bad, no. I noticed something else that resonated with the person I used to be.
most people on this path jump from program to program, from author to author, changing systems, SIMPLY collecting virtual dust on PILES of materials (JUST LIKE I DID) because they “have to”. why? A Simple ANSWER – DESPITE THE EFFORT INVESTED, THEY GOT NoNEXISTENT (or weak) results!
In my experience, most authors, authorities, and gurus want to genuinely help; some are totally convinced they do! All of them seemed to be very helpful in the beginning, but the reality of going through the process was quite different for the end user. Look, I’m not one of those people who only collect programs and books without investing time and effort. On the contrary, I truly have a down-to-earth practical mindset. Like most people, seeking tangible results and practical benefits was (and continues to be) the main purpose. I was always ready to invest time and effort, following exactly what was given, explained, and recommended. For that reason, after spending quite some time in trying my best to do everything right, to reorganize ….to do just about everything as asked or required, I began to realize that the outcome was not heading toward a desired destination, so disappointment appeared on the scene.
Disappointment feels really bad … you feel betrayed and frustrated.
You understand the topic; you feel it, love it, and follow the instructions and teachings. After a while you start getting it…but that’s not all. You still sense that something is missing from this situation.
Yes, I know about these frustrations from within. Some of the teachings that I have applied (even quite popular and widely marketed), I can whole-heartedly describe as ‘destructive’. Yes, destructive, because the teachers have sold an idea that was nicely shrouded in truth and the longings of the soul; in any real or practical sense, the ideas are just a utopian dream. Some of you have had similar experiences, so we have something in common.
I choose to believe that you are looking to find not only answers, but also practical methods and tools that can actually help you grow, though there is one point I really cannot emphasize enough. From far and wide, we hear that inner growth can ONLY result in the expansion of material prosperity. Most people agree on this. But if that external manifestation DOESN’T appear, if I cannot see and experience it, where is the effectiveness and value of the ‘growth’? This is the simple point I am trying to make; all of us want to earn more, achieve more, and have more in DIFFERENT aspects of life, and most of us want that as soon as possible.
As I mentioned before, twenty-two years ago, due to my stupidity in trusting those who were experts at taking everything from me, and without much of a chance to prevent it, I lost nearly all my material possessions: a profitable business, a fully owned house, and most of my savings. As a result, I felt completely lost, ashamed, betrayed, and totally worthless. It took me a while to move out of that miserable condition but I just knew that I must find a solution. I think I always knew that if I really wanted significant change, I would have to change from the inside out.
Over a period of seven or eight years, I was doing these things:
- Spending all my time and money to find out the best way to get more, become more and be more.
- Dedicated to all I had been practicing,
- Consistent in my attempts and efforts,
- (Most often) misled and even cheated by different experts and gurus, and
- Despairing and inches away from giving up, several times.
But I had to find a way to continue. Pain and disappointment, interwoven with the hardships of everyday life, wasn’t a pleasant place to be. But I had to find a way out, and I did.
‘AHA’ (Or, There IS an Elevator) Moment
The truth is that I didn’t really have an option–I simply had to find the way out. I kept looking for the best way out because I wanted to keep my sanity. I will skip over the details of this really long, painful road. After many disappointments, a long-expected and hoped-for change, or maybe a shift ‘back to my roots’–eventually light has started appearing in my approach. I remember the exact moment when I got to this moment of truth – the realization that was practically a precursor for the avalanche of great things that began moving in my direction soon afterward.
In one hard moment of frustration, the old bitterness of a desperate state of mind allowed me to remember one of the most important, basic facts that appear in most philosophical and spiritual books of genuine and original source material. This is the simple fact that we are never alone–each of us is an eternal spiritual entity residing in a material body, but never alone. We all carry in our hearts our ‘eternal companion,’ our higher self, supersoul, light, spiritual ego, supreme soul, etc. You can use any other designation or identification but the fact remains the same. (For some of you this may sound a little ‘off’ but I promise that soon, when we start working with methods and techniques, this will become clear and very useful).
As soon as I began listening to my inner voice in a particular way, everything started changing–fast. I regained my ability to recognize things I really needed, and distinguishing people I could trust from those others who should be avoided. It was an incredible experience! It felt just like regaining an old forgotten skill, something that I was never supposed to forget or stop relying on! It has given me the clarity that has changed everything. The process of ‘regaining’ or ‘relearning’ is not that difficult; it was in front of my nose all the time. Remember the elevator story from the previous chapter?
However, until I sought a way out using staircase-like methods, made and trapped by material concepts, I couldn’t even see the elevator; it was distant and detached from my awareness. In reality, the best solution has been and still is available to anyone.
But is that solution really reachable by anyone? No, not anyone–but it is easily available to anyone who is sincere and ready to explore beyond the (material concepts) box. Many people, assisted by organized marketing teams, try (in lots of ways) to make us think they possess all kinds of powers: mystical, supernatural, psychic, etc. Others insist they possess all-powerful methods leading to pushbutton solutions, ultimate and complete remedies for the vast range of financial and other troubles that any human being can possibly have. We are supposed to believe that their ‘gift’, system, method, or approach is something extraordinary, something that can help us. For example, many of these people claim that listening to their inner voice is something exclusive, a gift that only the chosen ones can possess. That cannot be further or more removed from the truth!
Even worse are individuals who really are gifted with some amount of additional psychic dose, but are misusing that ability for their own particular selfish reasons. Also, unfortunately, there is a widespread disease–a plague of those who work hard to make us believe they are really genuinely interested to help us (and are able or gifted to do so) while their actual intentions and abilities are nothing but false.
A few more words about the fake ‘gurus’, psychics, and teachers: Do not think I am closed-minded. I know there are real genuine givers out there, people with pure intentions, real psychic power, and the ability to help others; I also know that those individuals are extrem
ely rare. These unique women and men do not normally market themselves, and are not well known. Even if you managed to meet such a genuine being, he or she won’t be able to teach you or transfer their powers unto you. All in all, there is a great deal of garbage out there. Please do not misunderstand the subject we are reviewing with anything coming from the world of make-believe, from La La Land.
WHAT WE NEED IS THE ABILITY TO cut through the layers of THE mind and false ego, TO provide us aligNment with our real selVES, a Way That WILL always result in practical methods of aligning with our higher self.
By this statement, I do mean always, for everyone, without fail. It may sound more complicated than it really is. The real desire of the spirit-soul in the human body is to be aligned with something we can call ‘source energy’. Our relation to the higher spiritual dimension of existence is just like the relation between a drop of the ocean with the Ocean itself, that immensely huge body of water from where the drop originates. That is definitely an environment where the drop really wants to reside and where it feels best. Just like a drop of the ocean, we have our Source. All of us are, by nature, energy transcendental to matter, yet residing and living out this experience in material bodies. Too many people depend on methods that are encapsulated in layers and concepts made of an inferior nature. Any one of these teachings will force one to ‘climb the stairs’, suffer, and take risks instead of taking the elevator.