Shortcut to Having More Read online





  All Rights Reserved 2017 @POWER of ONE

  Table of Contents














  ‘AHA’ (Or, There IS an Elevator) Moment











  Part IV.



  Two Source Energy Centers

  A few things before you start:






  Personal Wealth Blueprint Tapping Script





  Personal Wealth Blueprint Tapping Script


  Reality Check



  Let me start by answering this ‘why’ question with a few short lines, just in case you (like me) have a habit of making decisions based on quickly skimming initial paragraphs: ‘I’ll read this now, later or never.’ In that case, my reason sounds something like this: “I have compiled this book in order to assist sincere men and women to efficiently remove all obstacles that slow or block their ability of earning more, having more, and becoming more.” These methods mean so much to me and to everyone who takes this process seriously.

  Over the last few years, I have gathered many direct experiences leading to crystal-clear evidence of the significant changes made in others’ lives by the ‘Shortcut to Having More’ methods. Nothing else could give me more happiness than seeing clients’ lives changed in so many aspects with those significant leaps forward. I could also answer this question by simply saying: “BECAUSE IT WORKS.” However, this is an even better answer: “You should give it a try because it provides you with a fluff-free, effective method including helpful tools. It offers tangible results to everyone who is willing to think out-of-the-box. It simply changes so much in the lives of every individual ready to face and deal with the root of his (or her) problems.”

  On that note, let me explain some history.

  At the high point of my career, about two decades ago, my life went from (as I perceived it) a great level of success and lifestyle (high level of income, booming business, luxurious cars, house, exclusive vacations, etc) to the point of finding myself owning nothing. Practically speaking, I was left without any money or material possessions. With about $450 in my pocket, I had to find a way for me and my family to survive in the next month. This drastic and sudden change happened to us incredibly fast, without involving fast women, cars, drugs, or a gambling addiction – none of those types of fall-off-a-cliff reasons. I had been managing an IT business, and held a majority-level number of shares in a company that owned 80% of a 32 million-person market share that consisted of six countries in the Eastern European region. [Further details will be available in my next book – I don’t want to derail the focus from our very important work in exploring ways to have more and be more.]

  Once I managed to stop lamenting, the understanding was born for the first time - I HAVE to change in order to HAVE MORE and BECOME MORE. So, I started to read and listen to everything that (I hoped) could help me grow. Naturally, I have learned a lot while also facing another reality; many times, I have felt betrayed and frustrated on that road. After reading and trying to follow the advice of various teachers, so-called “gurus” and experts, I can say honestly that the general concepts were very helpful - except when it came to specifics. Many of you have had similar (and rather bitter) experiences.

  When it came to any practical application of ‘how exactly/what exactly/when exactly do I do what’ in order to grow and move quickly toward my goals, I have hit wall after wall. No, I wasn’t jumping from book to book and from program to program. Really, I honestly tried with my full concentration to follow the books and programs to their conclusion. Yes, I was digging through various books, programs and other materials, searching for answers in categories related to personal development: the Law of Attraction, personal transformation, Think & Grow Rich related approaches, energy work, hypnosis, clearing limiting beliefs, and on and on. Only after giving it a good solid try did I move on after each approach, mainly because I wasn’t getting a desired (or most often, a promised and strongly marketed) batch of results. But, something did work. That something, as I see it, most people fail to even recognize. It is not strongly advertised; no ads will wave it in front of our faces or dangle it in front of our noses.

  In any case, based on that experience, I strongly feel that it is a fair, healthy, and necessary thing to openly disclose what this book is really about.


  To give you a clear idea, let’s review the words used in the title. That will help you decide whether this approach is something that resonates with you and your goal.

  ‘SHORTCUT’: A shortcut is a way of getting to the desired destination faster without the risk of losing anything. A shortcut may help you to achieve what you really want without spending too much time or effort…getting there without wandering, confusion, hassle, or danger.

  ‘HAVING MORE’: We all want to have more of ‘something,’ but we often have less than we want of that something. For many people, Having More in this book and its title may only indicate more money, which is quite accurate. Earning more money IS one of the first big milestones of this process, and almost everyone pursues it. At the same time, as soon as wealth begins to manifest, one realizes this process of Having More means a lot more than ‘earning more money’. In its fullness, this concept of Having More will powerfully influence the quality of our relationships, emotions, social interactions, and other aspects of life.

  Yes, it is true that more money, wealth, and prosperity is in sight; we (most of us humans on the planet) are driven by these things. However, it really transforms the quality of our existence on practically all levels where we desire to have, feel, own, and live more. Now, what people plan on doing with their money can differ greatly from person to person — for that reason, ‘success’ or ‘wealth’ or even ‘earning a lot’ is an individual definition. Regardless, it does involve earning and keeping more money and more success. Ultimately, ‘Having More’ is actually a transition into something better and becoming more.

  ultimately, a ‘Shortcut to Having More’ provides you with tools for removing blocks and OBSTACLES on your path to evolving into the best version of yourself.

  Before we can start removing a stumbling block, we must learn what it is and how it can be removed. One of the beginning points of this ‘Having More’ method is the creation of your Personal Wealth Blueprint; this mapped strategy identifies your obstacles and blockages an
d then offers an exact method for you to successfully clear those obstacles from your system. You will gain new power—the power of clarity to see what is slowing you down. The Personal Wealth Blueprint is a fantastic way to help you detect and eliminate blocks that have slowed you down for 10, 20, or even over 30 years, depending on your age. Let me share with you the characteristics of this method, what it is and what it is not.

  It is NOT a THEORETICAL APPROACH. In front of you is something not merely about reading but about applying. If you are only in pursuit of entertainment and acquiring a theoretical understanding about something that might help–you can move on, this isn’t for you. If adding a book to your dust collection and arsenal of ‘cool stuff’ sounds like a good idea, this book is not for you.

  - It WORKS in a PRACTICAL WAY: This content is for action takers. Naturally, we can doubt anything (doubt being a sign of intelligence), which is perfectly fine. However, if one does not give this approach a chance, how can one decide whether or not it is worthwhile?

  - It is PERSONALIZED: As individual spiritual entities, we all come into this world with different varieties of baggage. All of us share common principles and points of reference; on the other hand, we are also different. These methods and applications, as presented, are customizable to individual needs and desires without sacrificing the effectiveness of the process, which starts with the creation of your Personal Wealth Blueprint.

  - It saves TIME, ENERGY, AND EFFORT: This is for people who respect time and do not like to waste it. Regardless of how many systems you have already tried, the methods presented here will empower and help you, not only to expand your earning ability, but also provide you with the power to manifest the reality that you desire without spending huge amounts of time or costing you a fortune.

  - CRYSTAL CLEAR: Some people do not like a solid framework of instructions. Others, however, get incredible value from following practices that are defined and proven to deliver results. This approach will provide you with clear advice, instructions, and recommendations about everything covered in this book.


  Without anything to stop us (i.e. without carrying inside a program that makes us live with the parking brake on), and if we were not held back by various subconscious blocks and beliefs, each and every one of us would already be earning our desired amount of wealth. Our lives would look and feel a lot different than they do now–especially if our bank accounts held all of the money we desired! The existence of these blocks, those things that keep us from having more, is not anything new or unknown. These days, you can read a lot about overcoming restrictive beliefs and subconscious blocks; however, rarely is there an approach specific and potent enough to penetrate to the root of each unwanted influence we carry within ourselves. For this reason, I will list some examples of influences that can restrict individuals from achieving their monetary dreams or other forms of success. Some of these may sound relevant to you while others may not; however, I would like to assure you that all of them are important and need your attention. This is why:

  Many people speak about blocks AND obstacles on our path to success (LIMITING beliefs, self-sabotage, AND counter-intentions), but We WILL teaCH YOU how to detect AND ELIMINATE them once for all!

  Truthfully, clearing up some of these complicated barriers will require a lot of time and attention, while some of the simpler obstacles will take less time. It depends on which barriers lie on your road to success. In later chapters of this book, we will create your Personal Wealth Blueprint, an exercise that individually addresses wealth and money issues for every person who applies the process. Once you apply the Personal Wealth Blueprint as offered in the second half of this book, you will see the exact nature of those obstacles that slow you down. More importantly, the ‘Shortcut to Having More’ methods, as described in this work and the other works in the series, will assist you in successfully dealing with all of your (financial) issues. Below is a summary of different unwanted elements that are limiting your subconscious and conscious mind, so you can identify your own limits, and be on your way toward doubling and tripling your earning potential within the next 12 months.

  Embarrassment and Shame: Most often, these hidden and deep-rooted emotions are manifested in self-punishment and self-pity. Most of the time we are not aware of this one at all!

  Resistance to Change: Theoretically, we would like change, but a protection system inside of us slows down the process. It uses certain phrases as a mask. “Change = danger.” “Just stay like you are now, that is safe.”

  Clearing Self-doubt: Once you become aware of fears and self-doubts, and become equipped with powerful tools (as explained later), you will feel extremely empowered.

  Fear(s): Many people (especially men) have a hard time recognizing their fear or fears. That does not change the fact that if we maintain our subconscious fear, we cannot grow our potential for earning, creating, and keeping more money. These are some of the most common fears:

  - Fear of Change

  - Fear of Failure

  - Fear of Scarcity

  - Fear of Success

  - Fear of Rejection

  Once these fears have been detected, using a customized blueprint provided at the beginning of the Practical section of this book, and then treated properly (using methods presented later on), these fears will be shifted and then cleared out of our subconscious minds and programmed behavioral systems.

  Take hold of the tools that allow you to shape, grow, and cultivate your own wealth in any direction you can imagine. You will clear away the baggage and break free from the old restrictions that have sucked out energy from you.

  Family blocks: Many of the blocks listed here are related to our families, parents, or caregivers in our early childhood. However, sometimes there are very specific and subconscious emotions connected to family that needs our special attention, as well as additional work, in order to get cleared. Many people are not in the process of achieving even 10% of what they could easily do because of a desire to avoid “trying to be better” than their father, mother, etc.

  Blame: This is definitely a big block. Locating the blame-related patterns and programs is an essential step; otherwise, learners get diverted or re-routed from their path. Once the patterns are clearly detected, we can dig for the roots and destroy these obstacles.

  Self-sabotage: Everything on this list is a form of self-sabotage related to the mind and body. However, many of us hold specific deep-rooted and subconscious programs and belief patterns. They can become auto-triggered at any time, as soon as we have a chance to earn more money, achieve success, get a better-paying job, apply for something that generates a higher income, etc. These revealed processes of body, mind, money, tools, and approaches will give you everything that you need to liberate yourself into empowerment, discover the secret energy of having more, and how to tap into it.

  Self-worth: Again, this type of block is not sensed on a conscious level. Most of us have to learn ways in which the love we received as a child currently influences our earning potential and bank account. In this process, we successfully deal with residual influences, learn how to create powerful money channels, and fill ourselves with true and genuine self-love.

  False expectations and illusions: These are quite popular blocks on our path of having more, especially among the think-big facilitators of the Law of Attraction or mind reprogramming who push people to set (unrealistic) million-dollar goals. Some people get rid of these blocks without much trouble, while some have really deep work to do in these areas. Regardless, if one allows these expectations and illusions to grow and blossom, they turn into specific obstacles that sabotage any ability to move forward and to achieve. They can definitely keep us from generating a higher income level and becoming financially free in the real sense of the word. If these obstacles are present in your life, we can discover them and detect the exact reasons for their appearance. Their disappearance will result in a fast transmutation toward our ability
to accept big goals and big dreams that realistically align with our energy and real selves.

  “I don’t know …”: This barrier really hits a lot of people in a few different forms.

  I don’t know what I really want.

  I don’t know what I really have to do.

  I don’t know if I want to change.

  I don’t know if I want to change at all.

  Basically, it’s a big lie. All of us are very clear about what we have to do, as well as our best direction for growth. However, people do face this block to growth; sometimes, people will remain stuck with it for the rest of their lives.

  Of course, everyone has more blocks and programmed beliefs roaming through their subconscious and conscious minds. However, this list will give you a fairly clear idea about what you can expect to get out of this book and this approach. Most importantly, I want to promise you one thing–although, granted, I don’t know you personally. I don’t know the details of your situation; I don’t know the severity of your karma and the amount of baggage that you carry. But I can, and I want to, promise you this:

  All of these obstacles (and programmed self-talk patterns, etc.) that stop you from moving out of where you are right now to where you want to be, can and will be cleared; they will be deleted from your system, provided that you enlarge your awareness and give this approach a chance.